Friday, May 21, 2021

The last reflection

Some advice i would give to the upcoming class is make sure you want to take this class before it's too late because this class is difficult. I know for my class, nun of us really signed up for the class but we couldn't drop it either, because it was too late. You have to really love to read and write for this class because that's all you do in this class. You learn a few things but not too many that you already didn't know. Like how to properly write an essay, a paragraph, ethos, logos, and pathos, and etc. But the main thing is the time you have to write your essay. And how to read and write in 2 and a half minutes, which is actually harder said than done. Finally you have to make sure you actually understand what you're reading and prepare writing your essay. So if your going to take this class, be prepared to write, read, and fully understand what you're reading and writing before doing it. 

Tuesday, May 18, 2021

Today's review

Colleges. colleges, colleges. Why do teaches expects us( Junior Kids) to have our life planned out? Why can't we just live our lives and figure out over time. That's what the older generation did. We should have to be told that we need yo go to college to have the best lives we can possibly have. I know plenty of people who never went to college, who are doing fine. And why do parents think that college is the only options? i need answers and i'm going to look it up because my mom would give me the speech about life, college, and crap. And i don't want to hear that SAME speech AGAIN.

Monday, May 17, 2021

Today's Reflection

 Today in class we talked about our careers and what we want to do with life. I want to be an engineer and travel the world. Hopefully this corona thing is over with by then because i want to travel in peace with or without friends and family. I'm supposed to be going to Cancun in June but the tickets are really expensive. I'm trying to save my money for my car, apartment, traveling but it's hard to save when the government is raising the price on everything. 

Friday, May 14, 2021

Today's review

 Today we didn't do much because of the AP exam from Wednesday. I'm glad because i'm tired and i have to work today. I get off at 10 and i'm going to sleep hard when i get home... well after i eat. I'm so ready for school to end so i can stop waking up so early, only psychopaths wake up early and have energy. But anyways the minute school ends i'm going to go MIA from the world, it's too toxic for me, especially with these young people.

Wednesday, May 12, 2021

AP exam review

 Only like 15 of us showed up. The school was dryer than Popeyes biscuits. I seen a few of my classmates. It was raining hard too which made us even tired. I had me some Chick-fil-a for breakfast and it was bussin bussin. When i got to the essay part i only had time to do the first 2 but i think i did good on it.

Tuesday, May 11, 2021

Today's review

Today in class we talked about reviewing for the AP exam. And he's still putting us in a different room with him so we can review our MOCK exam. This is taking too long to review. We should of just gotten 1 or 2 essays. But nope we just had to get 3. I don't think i did good, but at least i did it( even though i turned it in late). I've been watching this documentary on Sam the Son killer, the 44 Caliber Killer, whichever you want to call him. But he had issues not like Jeffery Dahmer thought. Dahmer had mental issues, and his dad sent him to the Military. I can't say the rest because it's not really inappropriate. But anyways it's a good documentary because you can learn about your bad side of history and what kind of people are really out here in the world.

Friday, May 7, 2021

Today's reflection

 Today we didn't do much in class. We had a 7 question assignment and he reviewed some peoples MOCK essay thing. I haven't done mines yet. And i'm about to do it or at 2 in the morning instead of sleeping. I gave up on sleeping thanks to my teachers. I can't wait until the 28th of May. I will not be sleeping this whole summer.

Tuesday, May 4, 2021

May 4th reflection

Why do men always think they are right? I really want to know. Their egos are as big as Beyonce's house. They always think they have to be right, even if they are completely wrong, they refuse to admit that. Just like teachers who claim that they teacher their students when really majority of the students are lost and barely understand the work. Then we get work back to back to back, and they expect us to do it within 9 hours. While they still go on with their lives, were at home slaving to finish their work. And then they complain about how there's so much work that they need to grade. Well maybe if you wouldn't give us so much work then you wouldn't have to grade it. Plus you like to criticize all the students and make them feel dumb when their are plenty of smart students. They aren't good in this area and instead of you working with them, you criticize them in front of everyone. Teachers claim they know what they are talking about but in reality they can sometimes be just as lost as we are.

Monday, May 3, 2021

Today's reflection

 Today we took a quick little test and i failed because it didn't make sense to me. Some of these teachers give you work and expect you to know it off the bat. And then they make it seem like they really taught you something, but they haven't. Us students barely learned anything due to this virtual setting. I've learned more in math then i have in this class if i'm being honest. But i'm learning bits and pieces every day. I'm going to sleep after this because school made me become narcoleptic.

The last reflection

Some advice i would give to the upcoming class is make sure you want to take this class before it's too late because this class is diffi...