Tuesday, May 4, 2021

May 4th reflection

Why do men always think they are right? I really want to know. Their egos are as big as Beyonce's house. They always think they have to be right, even if they are completely wrong, they refuse to admit that. Just like teachers who claim that they teacher their students when really majority of the students are lost and barely understand the work. Then we get work back to back to back, and they expect us to do it within 9 hours. While they still go on with their lives, were at home slaving to finish their work. And then they complain about how there's so much work that they need to grade. Well maybe if you wouldn't give us so much work then you wouldn't have to grade it. Plus you like to criticize all the students and make them feel dumb when their are plenty of smart students. They aren't good in this area and instead of you working with them, you criticize them in front of everyone. Teachers claim they know what they are talking about but in reality they can sometimes be just as lost as we are.

1 comment:

  1. This sounds like one of my teachers too . she annoys me but hey I gotta pass the class so I have to still do the work. I have to push myself a little bit much but school is always done so I’m not stressing .


The last reflection

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