Friday, April 30, 2021

April 30th reflection and all of the missed reviews

Today in class we went over the blogs post from yesterday that we made today and some other stuff. I know i'm not the only student in this class that has done majority of the blogs and their grade hasn't went up much even with the assignments. Teachers give us so much work and expect us to always have time to do it. Some students have lives and are always busy doing things. I understand you need to give us work and we need to learn but over barring us with homework and having assignments back to back to back is overwhelming. And as a student who has a history with depression, anxiety, and panic attacks, this isn't healthy with my well being. Their are some students who have it worst than i do and their still putting in the effort like the rest of us, but the teachers aren't meeting us halfway. They claim that they are but then they stack up work and say " hey, this is all due at 11:59 pm TONIGHT. We don't even get enough time to do the work but the minute 11:59 hits you want to go run and put in a bunch of zeros. My mind and body are tired, i need a break. WE NEED A BREAK, but we wont be able to do that until schools ends. So just bare with us and we'll meet you along the way. This isn't towards you specifically, but it's MY statement and i'm entitled to my opinion i don't understand why as a young adult i can't speak my mind without being called out or i'm "Talking back". This isn't that, this is me putting me statement for my classmates and whoever else to see because we all are struggling with this 

1 comment:

  1. Omg thank you !!!!. We was just talking about this too in our gc . Like sometimes the stress is over bearing and I’m not talking about your class Mr Rease is just in general. Like After this school year is over imma be soo happy mentally but again I have scholarships, college to apply too etc . Like life’s just keep getting harder . I have not had a good sleep in months because I have soo much to do . I just hope at the end of it it’s all worthy ! . But love we got this , we’re not going to let this little set backs take the best of us . That will never be an option !


The last reflection

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