Saturday, January 23, 2021

My introduction

 My name is Iyana Major. I'm sixteen years old, i will be seventeen in two more months. I'm a Pisces, my birthday is March the 10. I'm the youngest on my moms side out of three kids. And on my dad side i'm the second oldest out of four. I have only one brother and three sisters. I like to cook and travel. I know eight languages. Greek and Russian are my two favorite out of the eight languages. I like listening to music and watching movies. When i'm 21 i'm going to be a computer hardware engineer with a Masters degree from ETH Zurich. Finally one my favorite foods is Sledz w oleju z cebula. 

The last reflection

Some advice i would give to the upcoming class is make sure you want to take this class before it's too late because this class is diffi...